The Ultimate Lost Ark Tier List for Beginners

Why to Get the Lost Ark Tier List Before Playing?

Lost Ark, a breathtaking MMORPG, keeps players engaged thanks to the greatest gameplay mechanics and stunning visuals. However, the numerous classes in the game make it difficult to decide which one is the best for you if you have never played this great MMO game. This is when the Lost Ark tier list can become useful. The BandurArt decided to share the secrets and guides about the best video games in the industry to make you even more inspired and devoted to our awesome industry. 

The Basics of Lost Ark Game

Before telling you about the Lost Ark tier list, our BandurArt team decided to share a few common facts about this great MMORPG. Since 2019, Lost Ark has amazed the fans of MMORPGs with its versatile events full of action. Its gaming formula successfully mixes the great parts from ARPGs like Diablo with complexities and social features found in standard MMOs.

Lost Ark Tier List

The most important advantage of this great MMORPG game is its combat system. It gives a smooth and quick-to-respond gameplay that feels good in all 24 different classes available. Each class offers its own gameplay, like the fast Assassin or strong Berserker that hits hard. The in-game option to modify skills and put on strong equipment also adds extra value to the fighting experience.

The story of Lost Ark still manages to keep the gamers interested as they explore its amazingly designed areas. The game’s most impressive part is the content for high-level players. It has many things to do like large group fights called raids, player versus player arenas, and exploring islands among others.

The game also boasts some of the greatest 3D animations in the video game industry. The BandurArt team can’t help but look at this awesome art style, exemplary animations, and vast fantasy locations.

Understanding the Classes Before Making the Lost Ark Tier List

There are 26 sub-classes (Specializations) and 6 major classes (Archetypes) in Lost Ark since the recent Summer Heat update released during the spring of 2024:

  • The major Assassin class has such subclasses as Deathblade, Reaper, Shadowhunter, and Soul Eater;
  • The major Gunner class has such subclasses as Artillerist, Deadeye, Gunslinger, Machinist and Sharpshooter;
  • The major Mage class has such subclasses as Arcanist, Bard, Sorceress, and Summoner;
  • The newest Martial Artist class has such subclasses as Breaker, Glaivier, Scrapper, Striker, Soulfist, and Wardancer;
  • The Warrior class has such subclasses as Berserker, Destroyer, Gunlancer, Paladin and Slayer;
  • The Specialist class has such subclasses as Artist and Aeromancer;

The class system of the game is unique because it gives players an extensive range of customization and strategy. First and foremost, the Lost Ark’s class system impresses with its intricate details and subtleties within every class. The Assassin is nimble and swift, while the Gunlancer shows strength in both attack and defense.

These differences make each class unique. Game creators have carefully considered balancing the classes, giving them their advantages and disadvantages that help to form a complete group.

An additional feature of the class system in Lost Ark is the chance to specialize more within every class by using advanced classes. These advanced classes provide players with increased customization choices, enabling them to adjust their style of play according to their liking. No matter if you want to be a Sharpshooter dealing heavy damage from afar or a Paladin supporting team members with healing and buffs, there is a class you may like.

To sum up, Lost Ark’s class system is an exceptional characteristic that contributes to the game’s intricacy and potential for repeated enjoyment. The availability of numerous classes and their advanced versions allows players to personalize their experience according to personal liking and style of play.

To learn more about the lore and specific features of all the classes before creating your own Lost Ark tier list, consider visiting the official page.

Exploring Top Lost Ark Class Tier List

According to the latest user-made YouTube tier lists about the classes of Lost Ark, there are a few top classes you should try if you are a complete beginner and have never played the MMORPG before.

As we have already mentioned, there are a few types of Archetypes in Lost Ark. You should pick them before deciding on the subclasses a.k.a. Specializations. Check our Lost Ark classes tier list of major Archetypes:

  • S-Tier Classes are Mage, Warrior;
  • A-Tier Classes are Gunner, Specialist, Assassin;
  • B-Tier Class is Martial Artists;

We’ve ranked these Archetypes based on how their specializations perform after the recent update. For example, the Mage class is in the best position because it can deal much damage and has high potential. If this style suits your gameplay, then Mage would be a good pick.

Now when you know the tiers of major classes, the Lost Ark character tier list covers certain Specifications or Subclasses of these Classes.

1) S-Tier Specializations:

  • Bards are ranked as the finest support class. They have amazing healing and buffing skills making them very necessary for high-level raids. With their help, teams can stay alive and perform better overall. However, Bards have low damage output and heavily rely on their team for protection;
  • Paladins are good in both attack and defense. They can do many things and this is useful for different situations. Paladins protect well, and give buffs and shields to team members. They are good at many things, but not outstanding in any one area. This makes them a jack-of-all-trades;
  • The Sorceress is best at delivering big bursts of damage and handling groups by using her strong spells. She works well in PvE and PvP, as she can eliminate many opponents together with her large area-of-effect abilities. Yet, Sorceresses are not tough characters and have lengthy periods of waiting for their spells to refresh, so they need to be positioned correctly and timed carefully;

2) A-Tier Specializations:

  • The Gunslinger is a flexible shooter who has good range. They can change between three types of guns and are very strong in causing damage to one target at a time, as well as running away from enemies. Although they have low defense and are not easy to learn, their adaptability in battle makes them liked by many players;
  • Berserkers are close-up fighters and have big strength in damage and staying alive. They can activate a strong Berserk state to deliver serious hits. Even if their attack rate is slow and movements easy to predict, Berserkers work well for playing alone and taking damage, which makes them dependable for many people;
  • Soulfists are versatile fighters who blend the art of melee and ranged combat with their energy-based abilities. They possess an interesting energy resource system, which gives them good burst damage capabilities. This makes them strong adversaries. Yet, because of the intricate mechanics and requirement for precise timing, it can be difficult to learn how to use them effectively;

Also, you may consider such Specializations as Artillerists, Shadowhunters, and Wardancers.

Remember each player possesses distinct preferences thus what might appear superior someone else could feel lacking sufficient potentiality per individual’s distinctive gaming approach. Hopefully, this Lost Ark class tier list in 2024 will help you to make the first and most important decision when starting to play this awesome MMORPG game.

Who Deals the Most Damage – The Lost Ark DPS Tier List

According to this Reddit thread, each class and subclass in Lost Ark also has such an important characteristic as DPS or Damage per Second. It doesn’t matter if you’re fighting against bosses in PvE or PvP, having a top-notch DPS class can significantly affect your success.

The DPS classes in Lost Ark have the main goal of doing lots of damage in a small timeframe. They are crucial for all types of content, whether played alone or with others, making sure that enemies are taken down quickly. These classes usually possess skills that enhance their attack strength, chances to critically hit, and total damage output.

1) S-Tier DPS Classes:

  • The Sorceress is the best DPS class in Lost Ark. She has strong area-of-effect spells and can deal a lot of damage quickly, which makes her very good at wiping out groups of enemies. Her crowd control abilities along with versatile skills make her dominant in both PvE and PvP scenarios;
  • Gunslingers have good mobility and can quickly change between three types of guns. This makes them strong in causing damage to single targets, making Gunslingers very effective for killing bosses or in player-versus-player (PvP) situations. Their mobility assists them in avoiding attacks while continuing to deliver steady damage;
  • Berserkers, who fight at close range, have a lot of power to cause damage. Their Berserk mode greatly increases their attack strength and lets them deliver powerful blows. Even though they do not attack quickly, their great damage output makes them excellent for DPS;

2) A-Tier DPS Classes:

  • Deadeyes, just like Gunslingers, are speedy damage dealers. Yet, they concentrate more on giving out high damage in one go. They possess potent skills that can swiftly take down foes, mainly effective in PvP combat. Moreover, their adaptability to alternate weapons supports them in diverse battle circumstances;
  • Soulfists have a mix of close and far-range attacks along with energy-based skills. Their capacity to give quick bursts of damage, as well as the distinct way they handle energy, makes them strong in DPS classes. They perform well in PvE and PvP settings but need skillful handling due to their intricate mechanics;
  • Sharpshooters, also known as Marksmen, provide great proficiency in single-target damage. They can maintain a distance while dealing constant harm renders them quite useful during raids and dungeons. They have the abilities that augment their chances of staying alive as well as landing critical hits on opponents;

You can also test the skills of such Specializations for DPS purposes – Shadowhunter, Artillerist, and Wardancer.

Challenge Accepted – the Lost Ark Class Difficulty Tier List

Since our guide aims to help beginners, you may need a handpicked Lost Ark classes tier list with a focus on the difficulty levels. Some Archetypes and Specializations are simple and easy to use for the first timers, while others require from players more skill and patience. Knowing the difficulty of each class can assist you in selecting the one that matches your preferred style and expertise level.

Easy Archetypes and Specializations in Lost Ark for Beginners:

  • Berserkers are direct fighters in close combat who have strong attacks and can survive many hits. Their skills are not complicated to understand, so they’re good for starting players. They can deal damage and tank with simple mechanics;
  • Paladins are a class that keeps the balance between offense and defense, which makes them forgiving to play. The support abilities they possess along with simple attack patterns enable beginners to contribute effectively in any team setup. The mix of healing, shielding, and melee combat is not difficult to understand;
  • Gunslingers are versatile. It is not difficult for new players to learn how to switch between guns and keep a high level of movement. The role of gunslinger as a ranged damage dealer makes their gameplay straightforward;

Hard Archetypes and Specializations in Lost Ark for Beginners:

  • Soulfists are intricate because of the way they handle energy and their combination of attack methods. Maintaining equilibrium with close combat and far-off skills, plus correctly timing strong bursts is an art that needs expertise and training;
  • Artillerists possess mighty yet sluggish strikes, demanding precise placement and timing. Their limited mobility makes it even more difficult as you need to predict the movements of opponents and plot your attacks accordingly;
  • Bards are like the main support class. They have to handle healing, buffs, and de-buffs while not getting hurt much. Their role in group play is very important and needs multitasking as well as strategy – this makes them one of the harder classes to really learn properly;

What are your thoughts about this Lost Ark difficulty tier list? We hope that you choose the class and subclass that you really like visually and by characteristics. Make sure to test a few class difficulty levels, because it is such a subjective theme.

The Lost Ark Bracelet Tier List – Getting the Best Accessories

The bracelets deliver a variety of stat increases as well as special effects that can significantly impact your game. The bracelets in Lost Ark improve elements like attack strength, defense, a chance for critical hits, and other such attributes. The choice of the proper bracelet accessory could be crucial in both situations PvE (Player versus Environment) and PvP (Player versus Player).

You should use such bracelets in Lost Ark to improve your gameplay:

1) S-Class bracelets:

  • Circulate is a powerful choice, with great stat boosts and unique passive abilities;
  • Fervor is much liked by characters who focus on damage per second (DPS) due to its strong mix of attack power and the ability to land critical hits;
  • Hammer is suitable for tanking and support jobs because of its tough defense features and extra buffs;

2) A-Class bracelets:

  • Ambush enhances attack and defense stats in a balanced manner, making it beneficial for different kinds of constructions;
  • Battle is famous for increasing the chance of critical hits and speed of attack. People who want to improve their offensive power often select this type;

Also, you can check the bracelets with such effects as Dagger, Expose Weakness, Raid, and Superiority. Other bracelet accessories are not so good for beginner players in Lost Ark.

Did you like our bracelet tier list for Lost Ark’s beginners? What do you think about these lists in general? Feel free to share in the comments.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Lost Ark Tier List

How often do the tier lists get updated in Lost Ark?

The updating of tier lists in Lost Ark is usually done with every big patch or balance update, which could happen multiple times within one year. These changes often bring adjustments to class abilities, the arrival of fresh classes, and modifications to game mechanics that might influence rankings. Players need to keep up with these updates if they wish to stay ahead in the PvE and PvP parts of the game.

Are lower-tier classes still viable for gameplay in Lost Ark?

Yes, even lower-tier classes in Lost Ark can still be good and work well with the correct player skill and build. Knowing your class’s strong points and limitations and then enhancing your playing style can make up for any differences you may feel.

What should new players consider when choosing a class in Lost Ark?

New players in Lost Ark must think about many things when picking a class. First is to check the difficulty level of the class and if it matches with your experience in gaming or the way you like playing games. People who are starting might go for less complicated classes such as Berserker or Paladin that provide simple mechanisms and a good ability to survive.

What is the Lost Ark PvP tier list?

PvP in Lost Ark is about quick fighting, clever spots, and mastering class abilities. Your success is determined by how well you can outsmart other players along with the careful use of your skills. For PvP battles it is better to choose such classes and subclasses as Gunslinger, Sorceress, Paladin, Deathblade, Bard, and Soulfist.

What is the Lost Ark PvE tier list?

A PvE class should be balanced in terms of survivability, damage output, and usefulness would be considered as contributing to the success of raids and dungeons. The best classes and subclasses in Lost Ark for PvE battles are Bard, Sorceress, Paladin, Gunslinger, Berserker, and Soulfist.


Hopefully, our first ultimate guide to the Lost Ark tier list in 2024 was successful and helpful. Make sure to read this list and other user-created lists before deciding on your in-game class and character type. This game is quite friendly for beginners but still, you need to use all the possible tips before starting to play it. The BandurArt team offers its high-end art style and game development services if you want to create titles like Lost Ark. Let’s explore this vast industry and create awesome new games together! Or at least enjoy playing them right now! The BandurArt team is always here for the gamers and game developers!

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