What Are the Best Fallout 4 Builds?

What Are Fallout 4 Builds?

In Fallout 4 (created and released by Bethesda Softworks in 2015) the term “build” is used to describe how a player distributes their character’s SPECIAL stats (Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck) to determine the perks for a play style. The purpose of Fallout 4 builds is to make characters best suited for different kinds of gameplay like combat-oriented, sneaky, or socially skilled. The BandurArt team loves this game’s visual style and gameplay and decided to share the best builds for complete beginners and some fun builds in Fallout 4. 

Do Fallout 4 Builds Matter?

The Fallout 4 stat builds are significant for your adventure in the gruesome Wasteland. It’s not only about staying alive but also about doing well. Your character’s build determines how you play. The good Fallout 4 builds directly impact the methods used during fights and when exploring or interacting with the in-game world. The correct build could be the key to transforming your gameplay’s struggle into a thrilling and interesting adventure.

Imagine you are skulking around the wreckage of Boston, acting like a hidden sniper who strikes down foes from the darkness with accuracy and charm. Or possibly you enjoy being a melee juggernaut, rushing into combat directly and crushing adversaries with powerful strength. Or you can become an intelligent survivor who uses sophisticated gadgets and energy guns to cleverly defeat opponents. As you may have already guessed, every build has its style of gameplay, making sure that every time you play it’s a different experience.

However, you should consider using the builds in Fallout 4 not only for fighting stronger opponents. Your build influences everything, from the choices you have in conversations to how simple it is to pick locks or do hacking. It may also unveil fresh routes and answers for missions, making every choice you make while creating a character and leveling up feel meaningful.

For a new player or an experienced player, comprehension of the significance behind the builds for Fallout 4 will boost your experience in Fallout 4. It makes every moment spent within the Wasteland a more immersive and rewarding experience.

What Components Usually Make Fallout 4 Builds?

  • The SPECIAL Stats are the base of your build. When you assign the points to these stats, you define the starting skills and limitations of your character;
  • Perks distribution also matters. When you gain a level, you may pick perks that match your SPECIAL stats and improve the skills of your character. Every SPECIAL stat has its group of perks that impact the build of your characters in this post-apocalyptic RPG;

The Most Common Fallout 4 Builds

There are dozens of good Fallout 4 builds you can use for your walkthrough. However, all these builds can be divided into such groups (at least, when it comes to the combat style): 

  • Melee Builds focus on high Strength and Endurance to maximize melee damage and survivability;
  • Sniper Builds prioritize the stats Perception and Agility for increased VATS accuracy and sneaking skills;
  • Charismatic Leaders are appreciated for their High Charisma stats and improved dialogue choices. These builds are great for bargaining and diplomatic approaches. These skills are typically paired with Intelligence to enhance leveling;
  • Tank Builds emphasize Endurance and Strength to absorb and deal heavy damage;

How to Make the Best Fallout 4 Builds – Recommendations for Beginners

When starting to create some of the personal Fallout 4 character builds, you ought to remember the purpose you want to achieve in the end. Think about whether you prefer stealth and melee battles or hardcore one-against-all battles with heavy armor and weapons. Or maybe you want to solve all the problems diplomatically with minimum violence. These things are primary to consider when creating your first Fallout 4 builds.

Also, pay attention to such things if you want to have one of Fallout 4 best builds: 

  1. Use SPECIAL Attributes

Your SPECIAL stats (Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck) determine the core of your character. Every attribute affects gameplay in various ways. It is important to distribute these points according to your playstyle:

  • Strength boosts melee damage and carrying capacity;
  • Perception improves accuracy in VATS and helps with lockpicking;
  • Endurance increases your health and resistance to radiation and poison;
  • Charisma affects speech success and companion effectiveness;
  • Intelligence grants more skill points per level, vital for versatile characters;
  • Agility enhances your action points in VATS and improves sneaking;
  • Luck raises critical hit chances and overall fortune in the game;

  1. Focus on Key Skills:
  • Combat builds. A strategy concentrating on Small Guns, Big Guns, and Energy Weapons to provide flexibility in combat. Pair this with enhanced Perception to improve VATS precision;
  • Stealth builds. Put points into Sneak, Lockpick, and Small Guns. Having high Agility is very important for sneaking and avoiding being noticed;
  • Survival builds. Medicine, Repair, and Survival skills are on the top. High Endurance gives more resistance to harsh environments;
  • Charismatic Leader builds. Concentrate on Speech, Barter, and Charisma. This type of build is very good in dialogue situations. It helps you persuade non-player characters more effectively and make better deals;
  1. Choose the Right Perks
  • Combat builds. Get the perks such as Commando, Sniper, and Gunslinger for increased damage and precision;
  • Stealth builds. Ninja, Silent Running, and Mister Sandman are perfect for sneaky, lethal characters;
  • Survival builds. Toughness, Lead Belly, and Chem Resistant help you survive the Wasteland’s dangers;
  • Charisma builds. Black Widow/Lady Killer, Scrounger, and Fortune Finder can enhance your conversation skills and the way you collect resources;
  1. Efficient Leveling

Leveling up efficiently means getting the best result from your character. Try to increase Intelligence at the start for more skill points at each level. Search everything and finish tasks to earn experience swiftly. Use skill books and Bobbleheads to boost your skills further.

  1. Balance Your Build

Consider creating the good Fallout 4 builds. Do not overlook non-combat skills such as Repair, which is very important for looking after your weapons and armor. Also, Medicine will enhance how well you can heal yourself. A balanced build guarantees you are ready to face any difficulty the Wasteland presents to you.

  1. Use VATS Wisely

Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System (VATS) is a powerful system. Use it smartly to aim at the weakest parts of your foes and save on ammunition. When Agility and Perception are high, VATS becomes more efficient, so many good Fallout 4 builds have these stats picked.

It is amazing how diverse builds in Fallout 4 can be. This title truly belongs to the list of AAA games because of its repeatability and variety. 

The Best Builds in Fallout 4 from the Very Beginning

When you start making your Fallout 4 builds, the registration form asks you to distribute 21 points among 7 SPECIAL stats: Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck. 

If you have never played the game, it would be smart to focus on Intelligence. If you assign 7-8 points to this skill, your character will level up faster and get useful perks from the beginning. Strength and Endurance are also worth a few points as more carrying capacity and better health boost.

Agility and Perception, the two stats, should get a couple of points each. This is especially true if you want to use VATS or sneak around. Luck can be helpful but it does not require much attention in the beginning. Charisma, used for leveling conversation and bartering, can be low at first unless you plan on playing a very socially skilled character right from the start.

Choose your SPECIAL stat points in such a way if you want to create one of the best Fallout 4 builds with the balanced leveling in the very beginning of the game: 

  • Strength: 3 (points);
  • Perception: 3;
  • Endurance: 4;
  • Charisma: 2;
  • Intelligence: 7;
  • Agility: 2;
  • Luck: 2;

Keep in mind that there’s no level limit so you can always enhance and change up your Fallout 4 character builds as the game goes on. Also, we recommend watching this video where the fan explains some of the best builds in Fallout 4 for beginners. 

Some of the Best Fallout 4 Builds in 2024

Now let’s take a closer look at some of the best Fallout 4 special builds we chose for our readers. This choice is totally subjective, though, keep this in mind.

1) Stealth Build 

Become a Silent Assassin with such starting SPECIAL points:

  • Strength: 3;
  • Perception: 4;
  • Endurance: 3;
  • Charisma: 2;
  • Intelligence: 2;
  • Agility: 6;
  • Luck: 4;

Use such perks as Sneak, Night Stalker, Silent Running, Adrenaline, and Grim Reaper’s Sprint. Boost agility and sneak abilities to be very effective in silent takedowns. Use the Silent Running perk so you can move without noise, and also take advantage of Grim Reaper’s Sprint to increase your speed while sprinting. This is one of the most fun Fallout 4 builds for stealth appreciators.

2) Melee Build

Turn into a melee killer with this setup. Here’s how to allocate SPECIAL points:

  • Strength: 6;
  • Perception: 3;
  • Endurance: 4;
  • Charisma: 2;
  • Intelligence: 1;
  • Agility: 3;
  • Luck: 3;

Use such perks as Wasteland Whisperer, Bloody Mess, Gorilla Arms, Feel Good Inc., and Iron Fist. Wasteland Whisperer helps hit harder on injured foes and Bloody Mess increases critical hit harm. Gorilla Arms and Iron Fist are good for both offense and defense in close combat.

3) Sniper Build

Allocate the SPECIAL points in the following way:

  • Strength: 2;
  • Perception: 6;
  • Endurance: 3;
  • Charisma: 2;
  • Intelligence: 2;
  • Agility: 5;
  • Luck: 4;

Use such perks as Sniper, Finesse, Quickdraw, Grim Reaper’s Sprint, and Crit Build. A good perception score helps increase your chance of getting a critical hit and the damage you do with it. The Sniper and Finesse perks make rifle shots more damaging and accurate. The Quickdraw perk helps reloading speed, while Grim Reaper’s Sprint perk boosts movement speed which is beneficial for a sharpshooter character.

4) Support Build

Focus on supporting your teammates with this build. Allocate the SPECIAL points in such a way: 

  • Strength: 2;
  • Perception: 3;
  • Endurance: 4;
  • Charisma: 6;
  • Intelligence: 3;
  • Agility: 3;
  • Luck: 4;

Use the perks like Doctor, Medic, Chem Resistant, Toughness, and Scorched Earth. Having Doctor and Medic perks makes you better at healing, while Chem Resistant gives protection from chemical attacks. The increase in damage resistance comes from Toughness, and Scotched Earth boosts team health regeneration.

5) Scrapper Build

Allocate SPECIAL points in such a way: 

  • Strength: 3;
  • Perception: 3;
  • Endurance: 3;
  • Charisma: 2;
  • Intelligence: 2;
  • Agility: 6;
  • Luck: 3;

Use such perks for these Fallout 4 builds – Scrounger, Scavenger, Ironclad, Toughness, and Grim Reaper’s Sprint. You have a higher chance of finding good loot with Scrounger and Scavenger perks. Ironclad and Toughness make you more resistant to damage, while Grim Reaper’s Sprint boosts your mobility.

When you assign the SPECIAL points carefully and apply the correct perks, you will create Fallout 4 character builds right for your gaming style. Because of the modding community’s work, there are always new Fallout 4 builds and ideas to try out which adds more interest into playing this game continuously.

The Most Fun Fallout 4 Builds Every Hardcore Fan Should Try

Fallout 4 offers many ways to enjoy playing its extensive, post-apocalyptic universe. While most gamers prefer conventional builds in Fallout 4 that concentrate on particular weapons or power armor, there’s still a place for pure fun especially if you are going to walk through the game for Nth time. Check our list of Fallout 4 fun builds: 

  1. The Idiot Savant

This build is all about using the Idiot Savant perk, which gives players more experience if they have less Intelligence. Put most of your points into Luck and the related perks. While you may face difficulties at the start, soon you will be deflecting bullets, getting the VATS points quicker.

  1. Naked Nomad

Leave behind all permanent settlements, and carry what you can. This build is centered on Strength for carrying capacity and Endurance for resilience, highlighting a wandering way of life (nomad-like playstyle) where you can find everything by scavenging. This method triggers more intense encounters.

  1. Road Warrior

Embrace your inner Mad Max with high Endurance and leather armor. Balance your stats for a combination of shotguns and melee weapons, including a Luck attribute that enables the Bloody Mess perk. Dogmeat should become your sole companion, as you have an insatiable desire for combat and survival on the unforgiving roads.

  1. The Hoarder

Make sure you have characters with high Strength, Endurance, and Charisma to get the most items. Important perks that help are Strong Back, Lone Wanderer, and Local Leader. Concentrate on building settlements and supply lines for a good resource-gathering plan. This build starts very slowly but grows to be extremely strong, as you gather infinite resources.

  1. Death Incarnate

Maximize VATS by utilizing high Perception, Agility, and Luck. Traits such as Grim Reaper’s Sprint, Action Boy/Girl plus Mysterious Stranger will make VATS a relentless force. Use low AP weapons like Deliverer to boost your effectiveness in combat.

  1. Sneaky Fatman

Blend the skill points of stealth with explosives, by planting mines and using the Fatman Launcher to cause chaos. High Agility along with Perception will aid in sneaking and setting traps, while the Demolition Expert will boost the damage from explosives. It’s a build that mixes careful planning with explosive outcomes.

  1. Tesla

Become a post-apocalyptic scientist, concentrating on high Intelligence and technology-based weapons. Use Tesla-themed weaponry and Power Armor, along with Automatrons as your companions. This build is not only thematically cool but also very strong in fights.

Additionally, you can read this Reddit thread to check some of the Fallout 4 most fun builds right now. It is worth checking out, trust us. 

Tips for the Best Fallout 4 Settlement Builds

The Fallout 4 game is not just about surviving in a world after the apocalypse. It also involves constructing a settlement. Small settlements develop thriving communities and are an important part of this game. If you are new to the game or an experienced player, knowing about the best settlement builds for Fallout 4 can change your experience completely. 

The Basics of Settlement Building

Begin with the fundamentals: resources and protection. Make certain that your settlement has sufficient food, water, and power. Choose settlers to handle these resources so that everything can operate properly. To defend your settlement from raids, you need to place turrets, construct walls, and make guard posts.

The Fortress

Make a stronghold that can resist all the outside danger. Construct the walls and guard towers with concrete and metal, put turrets in important spots, and arrange traps all around the outside edge. A fortress building appears strong and offers the greatest safety for your settlers.

The Marketplace

To improve the economy of your settlement, make a lively marketplace. Establish shops, stands for food, and trade posts. Use signs, lights, and stalls to decorate it to give an authentic market feeling. This build attracts more settlers and traders, providing you with better resources and income.

The Greenhouse

The idea of making a greenhouse to focus on sustainability is good. It will assist in producing food and providing clean water for the settlers. Glass and steel can be used to construct a big structure that is filled with sunlight. Plant the crops inside it, and use purifiers for water so you always have food and drinkable water available. A greenhouse building is perfect for settlements focused on agriculture and self-sufficiency.

The Skyscraper

Design several levels having living spaces for colonists, crafting locations, and recreation zones. Connect the floors through elevators or staircases to create a vertical community. This settlement build in Fallout 4 maximizes space and looks impressive on the horizon.

These were the Fallout 4 best settlement builds that you can try.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I decide which SPECIAL stats to prioritize for Fallout 4 builds?

For close combat, choose to upgrade the Strength and Endurance stats. If you want to be a sniper or a character who relies on stealth, give priority to Perception and Agility. If you enjoy talking and bargaining, then invest in Charisma.

Can I change my build after starting the game?

Once you begin the game, you are unable to directly redistribute SPECIAL points. However, it is possible to change the best builds in Fallout 4 by leveling up and picking new perks. Also, you can use the particular items and Bobbleheads to increase your SPECIAL stats.

What are some recommended beginner builds in Fallout 4?

A balanced Fallout 4 build that emphasizes Intelligence might be suggested for the quickest leveling from the very beginning. Putting resources into Strength and Endurance could help if you decided to have one of the Fallout 4 survivalist builds with strong survival skills and the ability to carry a lot of items at once. On the other hand, the builds concentrating on Agility and Perception may suit those who like to play sneakily from range during battles. We advise you to check the Fallout 4 builds for Steam users where gamers share their unique experiences and fun builds.


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